Chapter 36 - Coronavirus Update

I finally have a stash closet! We moved our office from the spare bedroom to the cottage, and now this room is a guest room. I love ogling all the colors and dreaming of the possibilities.

This is a close-up of the cubby which houses most of my hand-dyed fingering skeins. The yarns in this group are awaiting project ideas.

We're doing the self-distancing thing very seriously. I would even go so far as to say, I'm trying to quarantine myself as much as I can. The result is the cute little infant outfit I knit up for my grandson-to-be, due any minute now!

The buttons are so cute. The sweater is a pattern by PetiteKnit, called "Ellen's Coming Home Set," available on her website.

We had new landscaping installed in early March. It looks kind of spare here; can't wait to see how it all grows.
More new landscaping. You can see the pink tops of the tai plants peeking out behind the existing variegated schefflera. We're hoping they'll grow a foot or two taller with time.

We were surprised to see another pineapple developing on our original plant. We have seven plants in total now -- I call it my Pineapple Plantation -- six of them pups from this first plant. 
Our Meyer Lemon tree has a lemon! I've had bad luck with my potted fruit trees. Between insects and watering issues I can't seem to get it right. So far so good on this lemon though.

Lemon blossoms are every bit as fragrant as orange. Maybe more so! 

I was out walking the other morning and stopped to admire a neighbor's old fence. 

My grandson Oliver (white socks) is on his first soccer team! After spending so many years on soccer fields across the Midwest, all I can say is, "It starts..."

Finally, this lovely specimen is one of my outdoor orchids. Like wild animals, the orchids live in a deep, shady corner under the fishtail palms out back. I totally neglect them, except to glance at them from time to time to make sure that they're still there. Near Easter, though, my amazing plants start to explode with brilliant blooms! So, they get to come inside for the season. 


And there you have it! Thanks for stopping by.

